Dennar Medical & Wellness Solutions
At Premium Care Medical Center (PCMC), Dr. Princess Dennar has extensive experience in developmental pediatrics, a subspecialty of pediatric medicine, allowing us to provide developmental assessments and case management services for children from infancy until their sixth birthday.
Since arriving in New Orleans, Dr. Dennar noticed that the shortage of pediatricians served as a barrier to the early identification of developmental delays in children. Prompt identification of a developmental delay through screening and surveillance in the pediatric office leads to early intervention, which improves patient outcomes.
Thus, in 2011, Dr. Dennar developed the state’s only Daycare Developmental Surveillance Program (DDSP) in daycare centers. The aim of DDSP is to provide childcare providers with both the medical and educational resources needed to identify children with a developmental delays before the age of 5.
We are the only practice in the state of Louisiana to offer this advanced specialized service at both remote community early childcare sites and in-house to recognize and facilitate the management of challenges that your child may face.
Our comprehensive array of services is designed to help parents, children, early childcare providers, and the community in the following ways:
In our New Orleans / Westbank pediatric clinic, we focus on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of children with special developmental healthcare needs for the following ailments:
Don’t delay – the sooner we can diagnose a developmental or behavioral problem, the greater chance you have of successfully treating or resolving the issue. Call (504) 361-4203 to speak with a friendly staff member now.